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Lonna Converso Hired As The Director of Marketing Communications

Published 3/4/2022

The Bloomingdale Park District is excited to announce the recent hiring of Lonna Converso as the Director of Marketing Communications for the Bloomingdale Park District in DuPage County, Illinois.  Lonna began her responsibilities in February, 2022.  Lonna’s expertise in marketing spans a professional career of more than 25 years with an emphasis in the leadership of communication strategy, brand development, special event planning, media relations, sponsorships, video production, social media management and the execution of marketing plans to successfully reach revenue goals and organizational objectives.


Lonna will also lead the Parks Foundation efforts working with community leaders and corporate partners on fundraising projects for the park district’s scholarship program, capital projects, and the Adopt-A-Park program.  She will also further develop the park district’s sponsorship program which partners businesses and organizations with recreation programs and events in addition to other park amenities.


“We are so excited to have Lonna bring her skills, talents and knowledge of marketing to the Bloomingdale Park District and our great community,” said Executive Director Joe Potts.  “Lonna’s expertise will further develop our marketing to provide a greater presence of the park district in the Bloomingdale community. She will also improve our digital strategies and image as these continue to evolve online.  Lonna’s passion for parks and recreation is obvious.  I look forward to her applying her passion to the parks, facilities, and programs we are so fortunate to provide for our community!” 


Lonna is the former Director of Marketing & Social Media for Midway Village Museum, a partner with the Rockford Park District in history preservation and education, a position she held for 13 years (2008-2021).  She also worked as the Director of Public Information for the Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association (1995-2008).


Early in her career, she worked in similar marketing communication roles as the Community Relations Coordinator for the Waukegan Park District and the Revenue Resource Manager for the Lake County Forest Preserves.  She has received numerous professional awards including the Meritorious Leisure Service Award from the Illinois Park and Recreation Association and the Commitment Award from the Communications & Marketing Section of IPRA, as well as other awards related to website management and advanced photography. 


Lonna graduated from Northeastern Illinois University and received a Master’s of Arts in Speech Communications with an emphasis in public relations and organizational communications.  She received her undergraduate degree from Loyola University of Chicago pursing a Bachelor’s of Arts in Communications with a focus in journalism and broadcasting.


After college, Lonna decided to pursue a career in parks and recreation since she held a strong passion for the mission of parks as open space preservation and community recreation.  Starting at an early age, Lonna began her interest in recreation when she persuaded her parents to enroll her in swim lessons at the Mount Prospect Park District’s Meadows Pool, and eventually she became a certified lifeguard during her college years.  Lonna continued to participate in many recreational programs over the years and enrolled her own children in programs as they were growing up.  Now, she watches her 2-year-old granddaughter learn to swim.


When not at work, Lonna enjoys golf, walking, antiques, reading, interior decorating and spending time with her family.

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