Share Your Photos In Our Parks With Us!
Published 3/17/2022
Hello, Bloomingdale
This is for all of you who are out enjoying your Bloomingdale Parks every day.
We are requesting your help to see what wildlife is visiting our parks. There is a very odd little bird, native to our area, called a woodcock. There is great information at the following link:
As you will read, this time of year they can be found at dusk, performing their strange “ritual.” You can read all the details at the link above.
We believe we saw one of these a few years ago in the north end of the Springfield Park wetlands (north pond). We would like to know if the woodcock is utilizing any of our parks during their migration. If so, this will be a great natural event for us to share with kids and their families in our community.
If part of your daily routine includes walks in our parks, we would love to learn if you see/hear this odd little bird - or any other natural events for that matter! Please, feel free to send us your photos which are always greatly appreciated. Please email or send us a note in the mail. This is one of the many natural events you can enjoy in your Bloomingdale Parks every day!
We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to credit you (your family) for any interesting photos or observations!