Strategic Plan
Mission Statement
The Parks Foundation generates financial resources to support Bloomingdale Park District’s parks, facilities and open spaces, and provide individuals and families access to programs to help build a healthy community.
SupportProvide scholarships to encourage participation in programs.
Engagement Cultivate relationships with residents and local business to develop support.
InnovationThink creatively to adapt to changing needs
CommunityPut the community first in everything we do.
IntegrityBuild trust through honest and transparent interactions.
Strategic Priorities
- Independence/Board Development
- Create a more productive and engaged board.
- Create subcommittee for events, development, awareness and membership (June 2019)
- Every board member brings two names to the board for consideration (August 2019)
- Institute TBD yearly donation. Be vested (December 2019)
- Annual board development session
- Highly Productive Events
- Enhance and improve fundraising and events.
- Select event by December 2019, with implementation happening on or before December 2020 as assigned to the event committee.
- Review grant possibilities and report to board (December 2019) as assigned to the development committee.
- To create an annual giving campaign by December 2020 as assigned to the development committee.
- Awareness/Education
- Improve and enhance awareness of the Bloomingdale Parks Foundation.
- Using technology, post 2-3 times per month on Facebook, as assigned to the awareness committee. (May 2019)
- Collect data on annual basis regarding scholarship distribution and positive impact of community, as assigned to the awareness committee (December 2019)
- Improve current website, as assigned to the awareness committee. (September 2019)